
The company is based in Switzerland and it has been decided to charge the subscriptions in US$. But don’t worry, you can just use a currency converter if you want to know the price of the subscription in your currency.

And before your ask, it is now possible, most of the time, to avoid any fee for paying in US$ if your bank account is in another currency.

Short answer: no, it is not possible. Camera Futura has decided to grow its business thanks a subscription-based-only model. The company believes it can be a fair and relevant model for both the customer and the software vendor. And it is buying and using most if not all other software for running its business based on subscriptions as well.

No refunds: the license key will be available right after the purchase of the edition of your choice. Make sure to have tested the free version (the Community Edition) before, since there can be no refund after the license has been issued.

Installation of the software

Not yet ! And Camera Futura wants to support macOS as soon as possible.

Yes. Please read the Install Page to know more.

To install the latest version of Futura Time Lapse:

If you are using the Community Edition, go to the download page.

If you are using the Enthusiast or the Professional Edition, sign in to your account from the home page, go to the “Purchase History” tab, click on “View Details and Downloads”. At the bottom of this page, you will find the link to the latest version available.

Alignment of the photos

Only JPEG Files. If you shoot RAW, you need to first post-process them and export them as JPEG before aligning the members of your time lapse.


There is nothing to configure ! Just select where your members are located, and where the aligned images will be saved.

Futura Time Lapse automatically detect which parts of the images are “static”. If you are not pleased with the result or really want to chose them, please consider using Futura Photo instead.

Remarks, bug report, suggestions

Data Privacy

Please read the policy here.

The software is proposing the user to move, archive or delete some images on your local hard drive(s). That’s all we do with your digital assets.

More generally speaking, we have no interest in your data, Camera Futura does not sell data to any other third party and as written in our data policy, we just use the personnal data to perform the obvious tasks for which you sent them to us (preparing and sending you an invoice, the license key, …).